Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Really, whose in charge here? They removed a governor because they said he was inefficient in ruling and elected an actor. Yes, a man whose never held political office, never made major decisions for a neighbor, city, or state and now he is the Head of State for one of the largest states in the nation. 

The people went to the polls in record numbers and voted against Prop 8. Right or wrong, they spoke and they disagreed with same sex marriages. Now, the Attorney General of the State, a former Governor, has filed suit to have the action overturned. The various city, county, and state offices of key political figures have said, "away with the people's voice," we will also file suits and have the action overturned.

Really, whose in charge of this state? Are the elected officials so presumptuous to override the voice and will of the people? What happens when a state violates citizens in such fashion and expect to return to their seats of power? 

In my travels I come across many who ask, why are elected officials working so hard to get Prop 8 overturned? Because of the growing belief that elected officials know best? The growing belief that the general public has the power in numbers enough to elect these officials, but after they gain control of the seats of authority and power, they become detached to the people and are now the experts on how this state should be run. Again, I ask, whose in charge of this state?

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